Five Questions with Dr Dray


Dr Dray is a Board Certified Dermatologist and skincare enthusiast based in Houston, TX. She has built a strong presence on Youtube and other social media platforms where she answers her followers' most pressing skincare questions. 

1. What is your favorite thing about your job?
I like helping patients understand their skin conditions so that they can better manage triggers and modify their skin care routines accordingly. When it comes to chronic diseases, knowledge is power and patients like being able to take control of their skin issues beyond their medications.

2. If you could make all your patients pick up one skincare habit, what would it be? 
Sunscreen! It makes the biggest difference long term.

3. And if you could make them drop one bad skincare habit, what would it be? 
Tanning. Nothing destroys the skin faster than a sun tan or a trip to the tanning bed.

What are the best skincare routines for the 3 main life stages: 20s, 30s-40s, 50+? 
Sunscreen, moisturizer, cleanser. Keeping things simple is the best thing for skin across all age groups and is the most sustainable.

What is your goal on Tik Tok next year 😊? Or what do you most enjoy about Tik Tok? 
The TikTok audience is a younger demographic compared to those who follow me on Instagram and Youtube. I hope to tap into this group to influence them to protect their skin from the sun. The younger these habits start, the greater the long term benefits.

Dr Dray sums it up best in her bio, "don't forget to sunscreen and subscribe for more!":


Check out our other 5 Questions with a Dermatologist blog featuring Dr. Tomassian.